Remembering Mr. Brian Betts
I first met Mr. Betts in 1989. He was the new Phys. Ed teacher at Rockview Elementary School in Kensignton Maryland. I was a 5th grade student, also new to the school. Even though I didn't see much of Mr. Betts, I really enjoyed being in his class. Students only have physical education once a week in grade school. Two years later I had moved on to Redland Middle School, in another district of Montgomery County Maryland. On the first day of 7th grade, to my happy surprise I ran into Mr. Betts again. He transferred and would be my teacher again for that year. In our first class he introduced himself. He told the other students that if they wanted to know what kind of a teacher he was they should ask me. I had nothing but glowing things to say about Mr. Betts. Through out the next year I would really get to know what kind of an educator Mr. Betts really was. He had a way of making each student feel special in his eyes. My self confidence was automatically boosted when I was in his presence. That year he taught his students 3 semesters of Physical Education and 1 semester of Health Education. He was just as good in the classroom as he was on the field. Mr. Betts was really able to relate to us, often talking about his experience in school. He was a one of a kind teacher.
This morning while I was having coffee with my husband and talking to my children about their upcoming day in school there was a news report that caught my attention. The newscaster reported that Brian Betts, a middle school principal had been found dead in his home of an apparent gun shot wound. I didn't think it was the Mr. Betts that I had known. Tragically after some Internet research I found that it was indeed.
I am so sad to see that the world has lost such a wonderful person. I wish I had told Mr. Betts what a difference he made in my life. My heart goes out to his family, friends, and students.
The investigation into Mr. Betts' murder is on going.
Detectives are asking anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of the victim's dark blue Nissan Xterra blue 2007 Nissan Xterra (MD plate 562M222) to call the police non-emergency number of (301) 279-8000. Anyone with other information pertaining to this death is asked to call homicide detectives at 240-773-5070. Callers may remain anonymous.